BestClad Double Hung Sash
To order an BestClad Double Hung Sash, we kindly ask that you call or email us for details. Please measure the width and height of the visible glass of your window before calling.
Available in white, bronze, or sandstone.
BestClad double hung sash have aluminum cladding on the exterior and wood on the interior of the sash. BestClad double hung sash have "butt joints" in the corners of the aluminum cladding (see photo). If your window sash has 45-degree miter cuts, rather than "butt joints", your sash is probably an E-Clad sash.
Please check out the video: BiltBest Double Hung Window: The Basics for how to check for glass type, daylight opening measurement, E-clad versus Best Clad and BestWood, types of jambliners, focus on where the jambliner meets the sill.
To order an BestClad Double Hung Sash, we kindly ask that you call or email us for details. Please measure the width and height of the visible glass of your window before calling.
Available in white, bronze, or sandstone.
BestClad double hung sash have aluminum cladding on the exterior and wood on the interior of the sash. BestClad double hung sash have "butt joints" in the corners of the aluminum cladding (see photo). If your window sash has 45-degree miter cuts, rather than "butt joints", your sash is probably an E-Clad sash.
Please check out the video: BiltBest Double Hung Window: The Basics for how to check for glass type, daylight opening measurement, E-clad versus Best Clad and BestWood, types of jambliners, focus on where the jambliner meets the sill.
To order an BestClad Double Hung Sash, we kindly ask that you call or email us for details. Please measure the width and height of the visible glass of your window before calling.
Available in white, bronze, or sandstone.
BestClad double hung sash have aluminum cladding on the exterior and wood on the interior of the sash. BestClad double hung sash have "butt joints" in the corners of the aluminum cladding (see photo). If your window sash has 45-degree miter cuts, rather than "butt joints", your sash is probably an E-Clad sash.
Please check out the video: BiltBest Double Hung Window: The Basics for how to check for glass type, daylight opening measurement, E-clad versus Best Clad and BestWood, types of jambliners, focus on where the jambliner meets the sill.
Call us or email for details at 866-305-5577 or
Tom explains the components of BiltBest double hung windows. Please contact us if your BiltBest Windows require replacement parts; we are located in the same community as BiltBest Windows and employ many former BiltBest Windows employees. · 866-305-5577